Have you seen the movie "Freaky Friday"?
In the story a mom and her teenage daughter find their
personalities have switched places (on a Friday).
The mom (in her daughter's body) has to to go back to
high school, and the daughter (in her mom's body) has
to spend the day at work in corporate America.
It's a funny movie, but it got me thinking about
attracting wealth and abundance.
Specifically, what would happen if a self-made
millionaire and "poor" person switched places?
Imagine - a person who's been struggling with money
wakes up one day in the same financial situation
- mountains of debt, overdue bills, dead end job - but
now there's a new brain in charge.
A wealthy brain. The brain of a person who see's the
world from a rich person's point of view.
You can probably see where this is going.
The poor person (now suddenly "rich") would be partying
and living out all their fantasies and burning through
cash at an astonishing rate.
The rich person (now in the poor person's body) would
be focused on how to become wealthy again.
They would wake up in the morning thinking like a rich
person, take rich person actions, manage their tiny
bank account like a rich person - and very soon the
money would be flowing.
Their "wealthy thinking" would immediately kick in.
What does this have to do with your financial picture?
Two things:
1 - Money does not make you rich. Give money to a
person with a "poor" mindset and in a short time
they'll be broke (Some experts say that 70% of lottery
winners are broke again within 2 years).
2 - If you want to achieve the wealth and prosperity
you dream about, it's not going to happen with the
same level of thinking you're at now.
You may already be working on this. Setting goals,
doing affirmations, working with the law of attraction.
But what if instead of spending months or years slowly
building your "wealthy mindset" you could quickly "wake
up" the wealthy genius already inside of you?
What if tomorrow you were suddenly able to
think and act and attract money like a self-made
Check this out
People who struggle often think MONEY is what makes you
The fact is, your situation or the amount of
money in the bank has nothing to do with how wealthy
you'll become.
A self-made millionaire in ANY situation can turn it
around and become wealthy again.
If you want to start thinking like a millionaire and
quickly attracting more money into your life, then
please check this out:
Click Here
It's no secret that rich think differently.
The biggest gift you can give yourself is to activate
your own wealthy thinking.
And now it'e easier than ever to do:
Click Here
Freaky Friday has a happy ending.
Visit that link and you'll be taking a giant step
towards creating your own happy ending - a life
surrounded by love, wealth and happiness.
To Your Success!
Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Internet Marketing Strategist & Business Coach