A doctor takes years to learn their craft and even then with time comes new medical break throughs, new technology which have to be studied and learned. This applies to many areas not just for those in the Medical world.
What ever job you have, there are most likely to be qualifications which you need to have, or ongoing ones you need to retake once in a while. But, why just do this for your work, why not apply this to your personal life. We should never stop learning, we just weren't born that way. The human being has an inquiring mind, and believe it or not we only use a small percentage of our brain, according to most scientists we only use approximately 10% of our brain power. Now I'm not saying if you continue to learn you can improve the percentage of your brain you are using! Imagine if that were the case there would be many of us using alot more of our brains.
What I have found is that mixing with people who have gone out of their way to continue learning, personally developing their selves, making small improvements in their life has helped them move to another level, one which their previous mindset would not have allowed them to.
Have you ever wondered"why am I here?", "what is my purpose?", this can lead on a path of self development, meeting positive minded people who make you question where you are and why you are here. Take time out to discover new things, open your mind to people and events around you.
Watch my short video of encouragement and leave me a comment below telling me what your doing to keep yourself up to speed in your industry.
Ps don't forget to "like", "tweet" and share this post on my 'do follow' blog
Colette Morris aka workfmhomediva
twitter: @workfmhomediva
Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Internet Marketing Strategist & Business Coach
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