Have you ever thought about the articles you write. DO you give any thought to what you are writing, who your audience and and what you are trying to bring out in your article? Good copy writing skills is essential to help keep your readers entertained. If you doubt whether copy writing will improve your lead generation, then take a look at some of the emails and websites you find interesting, see how they are able to pull you in.
Here are some quick tips that I have found useful with copy writing.
- On average you have about 10 seconds or even less to get someone's attention online, so do you have good copy?
- Having a good catchy title helps, then follow up with something snappy and attention grabbing. But, you probably knew all this right?
- A good copy with usually be interwoven with a great story, something that you don't give away all at once, keep your readers entertained.Story telling is a great way to captivate your readers imagination. It also helps to build rapport,gets them to know you.
- Using power words can get your readers to take action and also gets their attention, words like, 'proven', breakthrough, one-offor scientifically proven.
- Forget using jargon, use straight forward simple language, as they say keep it simple. Try not to use sophisticated or complex language.
- It helps to use positive language, readers always get inspiration from positive language, leave negative language out of your posts, unless your describing a situation or issue that is related to the positive side.
- Use bullet points and sub headers,it helps readers to be able to quickly read through your article.
- Make your piece conversational, write like your talking to your best friend or pals over a coffee. Read it back to see if it flows and if it sounds like how you speak.
- Engage with your reader, ask them a question which they can relate to, it makes them want to read on a little longer, and also they will be more liable to say yes to what you are retailing.
I hope you have found this useful and if you have, why not leave me a comment below.
Feel free to share this with friends and business colleagues :)
My Amazon Tip of the Day
Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Internet Marketing Strategist & Business Coach
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