Sunday, 29 November 2009

Internet Entrepreneur Launches New Website

Times are changing with the internet expanding globally. Don't get left behind in a traditional or MLM business outlet.

PR Log (Press Release) – Nov 23, 2009 – After working in partnership with CarbonCopyPro for four months, local internet entrepreneur Colette Morris and CarbonCopyPro have just launched her exciting innovative website

The new website profiles CarbonCopyPRO co founder Jay Kubassek, who recreated his own destiny via online business opportunities, and is now offering those opportunities on a grass roots level through local internet entrepreneur Colette Morris.
The website informs serious and potential entrepreneurs of a future that is very possible and very rewarding if they chose. If you already own an online business you may wish to look at the services CarbonCopyPro provide to people who already have their own online opportunities. This is a first of its kind type of opportunity that can be operated alongside your existing online business, producing rewarding results.

“The times are changing drastically as more and more people look to the internet for answers and solutions, we believe that it will be inevitable that most of the worlds trading will be conducted online in the very near future, and as such we are looking for highly motivated and empowered individuals who are willing to do what it takes and set their own course in this new electronic age,” states Colette Morris .

No longer is the internet just a virtual world for business, or family and friends or entertainment. It has opened the potential for premium business prospects and moneymaking solutions without the bricks and mortar and other business overheads we have in traditional businesses. So, don’t get left behind, stay ahead of the trend and make a conscious decision today to make that serious investment into your future. Have you got what it takes?

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
Visit my website for more information

What is this Coffee House Letter and how can it help your business grow? Doctor's, Realtors, Network Marketers, Direct Sales companies are all falling over for information in this letter. Read about it here:

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Dreams are the door way to Visualising

Listen to this, when you were a kid, didnt you have big dreams, especially around this time of year... Christmas around the corner, wonder what Sant is going to bring me this year. I have been good for mom and dad, so I should get what I want right.....

We visualised, we told our parents and our friends what we wanted right..

Well let us get back to that stage when we were kids and we really really wanted something badly, whether it was the best dolls house on the market, or the best laptop or radio car or what ever it was for you then. Can you remember how you felt, how every bone in your body felt thinking about your dream present for christmas. Do you remember looking at your dream present every day in the toy section of the catalogue?

As an adult we now call this visualisation - dream boards, wish lists, target, goals, hopes and dreams...

So get back to your childhood and now put down your goals, dreams, hopes and what you want out of life onto your dreamboard, visualise and look at it daily, feel it deep in your bones as how you would feel if you had reached / received it now.

Visualising is great, but you need to have action to achieve............if you have a deep desire you will find a way to action.

Happy Visualising - watch this...

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
Visit my website for more information

What is this Coffee House Letter and how can it help your business grow? Doctor's, Realtors, Network Marketers, Direct Sales companies are all falling over for information in this letter. Read about it here:

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring - Applying some of the principles

Video outlining how applying the principles learned from Mike Dillards Magnetic Sponsoring Course will help increase lead generation to any home business or business opportunity.
If you find this useful, please leave me a comment below.

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer

Visit my website for more information

What is this Coffee House Letter and how can it help your business grow? Doctor's, Realtors, Network Marketers, Direct Sales companies are all falling over for information in this letter. Read about it here:

Difficulties “ Newbies” face with their online business

I have been a business owner and CEO of three different companies and have seen many people give up just when they were so close to success. Here are some of my observations as to what may cause new people to resign in their online business within a short space of time. If you are new to owning an online business then you may recognise a few of these traits.

Owning your first online business is exciting in the first few weeks of starting out until the hardwork and reality sinks in. The secret is keeping motivated, organised and a calm level head in order to move your business forward.

Your mentor should be there to aid you and guide you on the initial steps you need to take to get your business up and running from day one. Listen to them, they have gone through this before you and are more than qualified to guide you one your way.

Mentoring and Helping Yourself

First things first, you need to be in a position to help yourself. Although your mentor is there to guide you, they are not there to hold your hands every step of the way. After all you wouldn’t expect your employer to shadow you around the firm for the first few months would you? As long as you know where all the right resources are and these could be company forums, business coaches, handbooks, online tutorials and the like which again your mentor should have guided you through initially. If they do not manage to do this, then either drop them an email, or contact them through their preferred method.

Changing your Mindset

Now that you have your employer hat on, yes that’s right, you need to have an employer hat, absolutely essential. Owning your own online business is totally different to having a boss to tell you what you must do on a day to day basis. You need to change your current mindset and take your home business seriously, even if you are only working this part time, you need to ensure you have a full time attitude.

Business Planning

With your employer hat on, you need to start looking at your online business development strategy (or business plan). What are your goals and objectives, what is it you are trying to achieve in your online business. How, why and when? You need to understand this clearly before you strike out in any shape or form.

• What types of advertising are you going to do to market your online business? Costed versus uncosted advertising. How much money do you realistically have?
• How much advertising and how regularly do you need to do this?
• Who are your target audience for each advertising method you choose?

Once you have thought through your business plan you may wish to pass this to your mentor for feedback. You mentor should once they have your business plan, help you to put things in place to meet that plan. But, in all, it is down to you as the business owner to ensure you carry out the required action to move your business forward.

Personal Development and Training

As a new person you may think you have to read up on every book, course and online forum note before you can actively go out there an promote your business – wrong!
Things don’t have to be perfect before you start doing them. In fact, as you are learning and going along is the best way to generate meaningful training notes/videos/blogs.

Set aside time for training, this is important if you wish to not only change your mind set but to move ahead in your online business. But, don’t make the mistake of setting aside too much time for self development and training and not enough time for your business. This can cause inertia in any business and ultimately ‘death’… of your online business.


So many recruits can fall into this trap of inaction if they are left to themselves. As I mentioned before it takes a certain type of mentality to work for yourself. You have to develop and grow. A few good books that may help are
a) Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
b) The Twelve Pillars – Jim Rohn
c) Who Moved My Cheese – Spencer John MD

If you feel you are not doing anything constructive with your online business, speak to your mentor or your peers around you. Find a way to motivate yourself into action. Too many times, you hear about recruits getting disheartened after a number of months in, but if only they had the guts to stick it out a little longer, their rewards were just around the corner. Remember 97% of new online business start ups are doomed to fail – get into the 3% bracket…

Getting into Action

Equally important is setting aside time for your business. Many people will have started their business part time, with a view to making it full time in the not too distant future. If that is the case then make sure you are putting in serious part time hours in a very full time productive way.

Putting in 4 – 7 hours a week is an insult to your home business, you may as well treat this as a hobby, with the hope of getting some money now and then. If you want an online business to work you need to put in a lot of hours in the early stages, perhaps 10 – 12 or more hours a week. The early days in any online business are the hardest. People want to see results straight away, and sometimes the results do not happen like this if you do not put enough time, effort or action into your business.

In part two of this article I will write about what you can do as a mentor to ensure all of the above gets underway and that your new recruit excels in their new found online business, making you lots of residual income.

Colette Morris F.R.S.A

Expert Author and Top Producer
Visit my website for more valuable information

What is this Coffee House Letter and how can it help your business grow? Doctor's, Realtors, Network Marketers, Direct Sales companies are all falling over for information in this letter. Read about it here:

Monday, 23 November 2009

Mike Dillard's Build you Business on a Budget Reviewed

Building your home business can be an expensive one. You always seem to be spending money on advertising, and no matter how much you think you have cracked it, you find you are not getting ahead in your business. If you are not careful paid advertising could cost you the earth.

It may hold you back in business if you have to spend a lot of money on advertising, especially if it is your first time starting up a business. What if, someone could should you in easy step by step modules how you can build your home business without spending loads of money using low cost social media marketing aids?

Your question may have been answered. I recently came across something that helped my business, and I think it can help yours also. It's a video series called 'Building On A Budget' by Mike Dillard - yes the same Mike Dillard of Traffic Geyser fame. I came across this when looking through another area of his site, and in the video which by the way is free, it shows you how to build any home business for $500 or less. Now, I don't know about you, but I didn't have a big advertising budget when I first started out in my work from home business, I barely was able to buy into the programme I was in. So to have this guy talk me through how to build a business for $500 or less appealed to me on the monetary side.

More on this business review can be found here

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
Visit my website for more information

What is this Coffee House Letter and how can it help your business grow? Doctor's, Realtors, Network Marketers, Direct Sales companies are all falling over for information in this letter. Read about it here:

Sunday, 22 November 2009

What Are You Willing To Sacrifice?

Five years ago, when I was still working as a nightclub bouncer, I was fortunate enough to be invited to co-host a conference call. I needed about $20,000 to expand my business and I was talking about the things I was doing in an attempt to raise the money. Some of them were downright brutal. My wife suggested we sell her wedding ring. I asked people for money while I was checking IDs at the nightclub. There was no such thing as the word shame. The call host asked me why I was willing to go to such lengths. My explanation was simple: My dream life was so great that I was willing to burn everything I had if it meant I even had a chance of living it. Looking back on that attitude it seems a bit Kamikaze but I have a lot more to lose now. That conviction is what allowed me to make the tough sacrifices: the time, the money, and the risk. It allowed me to find money for my business when I was borrowing money for baby formula.

Now I live the life of my dreams. In fact, I live the life of most people’s dreams.

The funny thing is people that people think I am an extreme. A fluke. I disagree. A new millionaire is being made every day in America because of the internet. Anybody can tap into its power. The sad thing is that most people think it is too much of a sacrifice. The sacrifice I am talking about is the time it takes to educate themselves. It might take as long as five years to make it big.

Or….here is another option.

The average salary in the National Football League is $740,000. Now I know what you’re thinking. I don’t want to play football but just follow me for a second. Imagine that football was the only thing you were good at. Imagine you devoted your whole life to being the best.

Your odds of making it to the NFL are 1 in 11.,235. Assuming you do make it in, the average career lasts 2.7 years. Once your ridiculously short career is over you have this awesome fact to contest with:

The average NFL player lives TWENTY YEARS LESS than the average human. You read that right. For the glory of 2.7 years and 2 million dollars you get to live 20 years less. Not to mention that money has to last you the rest of your life.

How does that glamourous option look now?

Let’s go back to option A. You sacrifice a couple years at most. You find a niche that you can get good at. You make money for the rest of your life because your finances are based on your brain and not your body. You live wherever you like because the internet is totally portable. You create your own brand and sell whatever you like whenever you want. You isolate yourself from any recession because the internet keeps growing.

So what is holding you back from your dreams? Is it you or the “perceived challenges.” If you answered “perceived challenges” it may be time to rethink the quality of your dreams.

To your success,

Aaron Parkinson

Posted using ShareThis

Conscious Versus Unconscious

Woke up and had an 'aha' moment! Thought I would quickly blog about it. Isn't it funny when you worry about something big time, it sticks in your conscious,your unconscious and gets into your dreams, and then do you find that because you worry about it, it seems to never want to leave your thoughts. Then the worry seems to manifest into your every day life..

What if you could take that same 'technique' of worry and turn it into a positive experience. We always worry about the negatives in live, never about the positives.
If we could just harness the positives in the same way, so much more good things would come to us.

My goal today.... harness some positive thoughts deep into my unconscious and conscious mind so that I will consciously work towards those thoughts and achieve them!

Sounds simple enough. However, you try thinking about one thing for three minutes, try thinking of a blue ribbon tied around a tree, can you visualise it? Good, then hold that thought for the next three minutes...

Did you manage it? I know I couldn't when I first tried, but this is all about applying your conscious and unconscious thoughts simultaneously. You see even though you are consciously trying to visualise this, your unconscious mind kicks in after about three of may more seconds with other thoughts...

I will leave you with that thought! Practice, practice, practice...

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
Visit my website

What is this Coffee House Letter and how can it help your business grow? Doctor's, Realtors, Network Marketers, Direct Sales companies are all falling over for information in this letter. Read about it here:

Thursday, 19 November 2009

A Little Short On Cash Building Your Business?

Most of us have been here and some may still be here. Now you have managed to purchase or buy in to your online business opportunity, the next stage is marketing your business to the outside world. Building your home business can be costly if you don’t know how and just jump in the deep end with pay per click advertising, banner advertising or paying to get listed on the search engines. . Each time you turn around you seem to spend every dollar you have on advertising and not getting ahead in your business.
You will find it difficult trying to make headway in your business if you have to keep spending lots of money advertising, especially in those early days when you first start out.
If you are like me, not too up on online advertising, social media and the like and just want to be shown basically step by step how you can build your home business without spending a lot of money while doing it, I have news for you.
I recently came across something that I think will really help your business as it has mine. It is a videos series by a guy named Mike Dillard called "Building On A Budget". In these videos Mike shows you how to build any home business for $500 or less.
I took these free videos and purchased his ridiculously low priced book, and within two weeks of applying the techniques he teaches and am now getting as many as 10 new qualified prospects per day.
The best part is that I did not spend much money while doing it. (under $500 dollars)
Now I have the tools to grow my business without spending a small fortune.
You can get free access to these videos by going here...

Enjoy your new found wealth,

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
Visit my website to find out more about me and how I can help grow your business online

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Working through Challenging Situations

Challenges come to all of us, whether they are daily, weekly or just now and then. Its how we handle those challenges that move us forward in life. When presented with challenges do you tend to despair or are you more optimistic and try to find a way through the challenge to achieve positive outcomes or results?

If you are presented with challenges, whether these are personal, or related to your work from home business or work; sit down and write a list.

First write down what the challenge is, then write down what the outcome needed is.

Then write down the pro's and the con's of getting to that outcome.

Eventually,after reflecting back on your list of pro's and con's and matching these agains your objective, it will all become clear what you have to do.

BUT, and this is important the way to work through the challenge once you have your answer is to ACT upon it.

Without ACTION, the challenge will remain unfulfilled.

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
This is My Work From Home Business

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Why MLM and Network Marketing Doesn't Work for All

So many of us professionals have broken dreams of working from home, or earning enough money to be come financially free and that being the case become enticed into finding that lucrative work from home MLM or Network Marketing opportunity. There are many of them out there, Agel, Amway, Herbalife, Lighter Life, Betterware, Avon , Mary Kay to name a few

I know I have been there, You listen to what your upline tells you, make a list of your friends and family, call your warm market, use them to practice talking to people, get your technique right, before we unleash you on 'paid advertising' purchasing leads, or google PPC. Many of us are not sales people, and therefore struggle with this concept. Some take to it like a duck to water, and do go on successfully to earn enough money to quit their job and live the lifestyle they dreamed of, working at home. While to others its as alien as the planet Mars, they just can't get to grips with talking to people, recruiting, advertising or retailing the products

For more on this article click here

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
This is My Work From Home Business

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Effective Marketing Methods

So What is Attraction Marketing

What is Attraction Marketing, some of you ask. It is as it says on the 'tin' marketing by using methods to attract your key audience. So how can you do this effectively? Attraction Marketing is about delivering to your targeted market information or solutions that will help them to resolve their problems or issues they have in their lives or current businesses.

Compared to Traditional Methods

Traditional MLM and Network Marketing methods often involve contacting your 'warm market', namely, your family and friends first to let them know about the product or services you are 'pushing' as part of your new business set up.

If you are like me and hate the idea of being a 'seller', having to talk someone into a 'sale', just to earn commission on the products. Many of us do not like being 'sellers' in this way, and therefore find it hard to actually get our 'business' feet off the ground in most cases. Plus, have you noticed that when you approached your family or friends with your new home business and tried to promote it to them, how they switched off, and started to ignore you, then you felt you had grown an extra head as they eventually stopped phoning you, or dropping by?

With Attraction Marketing, you do not contact 'buyers' direct, they contact you through the interaction you build when you produce information or solutions that they find useful.

Click here for more on this article.

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
Click on the Link to see how this letter is helping millions of business owners
to rethink their current online business and helping them to make more money than ever using GPT.


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