Sunday, 22 November 2009

Conscious Versus Unconscious

Woke up and had an 'aha' moment! Thought I would quickly blog about it. Isn't it funny when you worry about something big time, it sticks in your conscious,your unconscious and gets into your dreams, and then do you find that because you worry about it, it seems to never want to leave your thoughts. Then the worry seems to manifest into your every day life..

What if you could take that same 'technique' of worry and turn it into a positive experience. We always worry about the negatives in live, never about the positives.
If we could just harness the positives in the same way, so much more good things would come to us.

My goal today.... harness some positive thoughts deep into my unconscious and conscious mind so that I will consciously work towards those thoughts and achieve them!

Sounds simple enough. However, you try thinking about one thing for three minutes, try thinking of a blue ribbon tied around a tree, can you visualise it? Good, then hold that thought for the next three minutes...

Did you manage it? I know I couldn't when I first tried, but this is all about applying your conscious and unconscious thoughts simultaneously. You see even though you are consciously trying to visualise this, your unconscious mind kicks in after about three of may more seconds with other thoughts...

I will leave you with that thought! Practice, practice, practice...

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
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