Friday, 30 October 2009

Reasons Why MLM and Network Marketing Don’t Work For All

So many of us professionals have broken dreams of working from home, or earning enough money to be come financially free and that being the case become enticed into finding that lucrative work from home MLM or Network Marketing opportunity. There are many of them out there, Agel, Amway, Herbalife, Lighter Life, Betterware, Avon , Mary Kay to name a few

I know I have been there, You listen to what your upline tells you, make a list of your friends and family, call your warm market, use them to practice talking to people, get your technique right, before we unleash you on ‘paid advertising’ purchasing leads, or google PPC. Many of us are not sales people, and therefore struggle with this concept. Some take to it like a duck to water, and do go on successfully to earn enough money to quit their job and live the lifestyle they dreamed of, working at home. While to others its as alien as the planet Mars, they just can’t get to grips with talking to people, recruiting, advertising or retailing the products

So why is MLM not working for you?
Could it be some of the reasons outlined below,

‘not really your thing’,
‘can’t get to grips with the concept’,
‘don’t want to be using/buying/selling products’,
‘can’t work out who your market is’
‘too busy with home life, working life let alone spending what little of your spare time you have on a work at home business’.
‘ good on retailing, but crap on recruiting and visa versa’.

The times have changed
It is time to take a check and review the business you are currently in. It is now the era of social media marketing, new style home businesses are opening up, more online related than consumable product related. There are lots of different opportunities out there that are not network marketing, or MLM style companies to move into that can earn you a modest income within your first year, and which can give you the opportunity to look at realistically working from home within the next 12 – 18 months instead of 3 – 5 years in most MLM opportunities.
There are bigger and better compensation plans than those of traditional MLM or Network Marketing companies where you earn 25 – 50% of a product sale where the most expensive item is probably $200.
Instead, with new style opportunities there are types of compensation plan that will make you anywhere from $200 per sale to $1,000 – 10,000 per sale.

MLM and Network Marketing are a Dying Breed

The bottom line is this, MLM and Networking marketing have now come of age and are due for retirement. More and more MLMers and Network Marketers are moving away from those arena’s and taking up positions in the new style home business opportunities, that have residual income, funded proposals and the possibility of other streams of valuable income.

There are newer, better, efficient ways of operating a home business that does not have to cost a fortune when first starting up, apart from your initial outlay which is still far less than setting up a franchise or shop, and the only thing to then consider is your possible ongoing costs for websites and memberships.

If you want to find out more about the new style of home opportunities available click here for more information.

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
This is My Work From Home Business

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

If you have a website this company may scam you

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
This is My Work From Home Business

InsideOut - Your Million Dollar Game Plan

Industry Top Income Earner, Trainer, and Professional Speaker Jay Kubassek Reveals the Three Secrets to his Incredible Success in the Exclusive "INSIDEOUT" 90-Minute Interview With Mike Dillard.

Click here to view the video

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
This is My Work From Home Business

Sunday, 25 October 2009

10 Thoughts on Abundance

These are some great insights which I read from another blog by my friend Hemel Radia. I have included the link in case you want to also subscribe to his wonderful blog. Hemel Radia

1. The Universe is TOTALLY abundant, it is a willing and waiting canvas for your desires. It is so abundant and so unconditional and there is such freedom that it will even allow you to have an abundance of scarcity if that’s what you choose to resonate with. The Universe is abundant, scarcity and ‘limit’ are man-made concepts

2. Realise that abundance is much more than money. If you think of it only as money you are only thinking of some of the possibilities. Abundance finds itself to you via the path of least resistance. Be open in your expectations and let the universe deal with the ‘how’ and how it gets to you.

3. Abundance is attained by tuning in to what you have (than what you don’t), no matter how big or small, and more of the same is attracted, and it grows and grows. You’re letting the universe reveal the abundance to you that’s here, you start by knowing that it’s here (practicing the thoughts and vibration that you know it)

4. It’s not about quantity, you focus on the quality of your essence, your thoughts and feelings, and the Universe matches it in terms of the quantity, the numbers and ‘the how’. It will pay more attention to your vibration rather than the number you keep visualising. It will be about your vibration ABOUT the numbers than the numbers themselves

5. The Universe can provide you with limitless abundance in all areas, it IS abundant, how much of that are you bringing in through your beliefs and what are you willing to see? What are you ‘allowing’, what are you letting in via your expectations?

6. Remember that what you want is always here. All you’re doing is turning the unseen into the seen. Everything you want is around you. When you think it’s not and you are trying to attract something that’s ‘not here’ you can be creating a separation in your mind between you and what you want, there is no separation, there is only connectedness in this universe.

Know that you are as magical as the universe is as you are a part of it, you are like the drop that is in the larger ocean that is the ‘universe’. And the universe isn’t bringing something that isn’t ‘here’, it's only 'not here' in your conscious physical perspective, everything and all possibilities exist here and now and you are connected through your thought and vibration. From the universe's perspective time and space do not exist the way that you perceive them from your conscious physical perspective, in its perspective there is the here and now and all possibilities exist there. You are connected to everything you want, and even all the things you will want that you don’t yet know you will want

7. Do you worry about breathing quickly so you don’t run out of air? That’s sometimes the case with people and money or other items. They hoard and store it ‘just in case’. What does ‘just in case’ imply? It implies a vibration of something that might happen that you don’t want; this might not help your energy flow. What happens when you don’t let blood flow? It clots. What happens when you don’t let things flow in life? Resistance can build (depending on your vibration about it – you will know by how you feel, if you feel good then that’s fine). Do what feels good, let your feelings be your guide to what to ‘do’. Just like when you have a piece of fruit compared to something else which is not supposed to be good for you, you can ‘feel’ which is better for you, oftentimes we don’t trust or pay attention to it due to other noise we have going on. The answers are and always have been here

8. The Universe is constantly expanding, that’s what you are here to do, to expand, grow, and the universe expands THROUGH you. The universe WANTS you to expand, to go for more things, so it can expand too. It's a win-win, that's a concept the universe works on. Scarcity leads to win-lose relationships, abundance leads to win-win relationships. Scarcity is 'How big a piece of the pie can I get'. Abundance is 'In our coming together how big do we want to make the pie so we all get big pieces'

There is never-ending expansion and growth, NEVER-ENDING. That’s why no matter what you have there will always be more, and it’s about the process and the joy of the journey, it’s the joy and energy you flow through your journey, what challenges you experience and what goals and desires you determine as a result. The ‘challenges’ are what help you define what you want and be clear, and then your focus must be on what you want than on what you don’t

9. You don’t have to look at what’s (or what’s not) in your bank account to have beliefs about abundance in your life. Use your imagination. Realise the things you DO have in your life, whether it be the smile you got from a stranger today or the fact there was a beautiful sunrise. It’s really about what choices you make about how you feel about things, rather than the things themselves. The universe hears your vibration and matches that signal

10. Remember it’s not just about money and wealth. The Universe can provide you limitless answers to questions. The planet currently is asking quite a few questions, whether it be about the environment or otherwise. The planet (i.e. the people on it in this example) is getting clarity about what it wants and what it doesn’t, and the desire and motivation is building for it. Every time someone does something ‘not-green’, that adds to the clarity and desire. But it is not lined up to the solution. There are an abundance of answers and solutions that reveal themselves in lining up to them by ‘being’ and focusing on what you want (the solution), rather than the problem. The ‘problem’ helps define and get clarity and desire, lining up with and 'being' from the solution allows it to come into the physical whether as an idea or inspiration or as an actual physical manifestation

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
This is My Work From Home Business

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Law of Attraction - Mystery Unveiled

Have you ever had the opportunity to look back into your life and look at things you have achieved over the years. Did you achieve these by 'chance' or by shear hard work and determination? If like me at times you would always be dreaming the seemingly impossible, but because you had such vision and belief, I found that sometimes these dreams came to fruition.

So how can just thinking about something turn into a reality. Some people might call this luck, and that people who seemingly got what ever they wanted were 'lucky'. Have you ever heard about 'The Law of Attraction?' Do you believe in Kharma?

To read more on this article click here

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business

Thursday, 22 October 2009

How to Get More Time Out of Your Day

How to get the most out of your day

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Home Grown - Your Personal Growth

Personal Growth can help change mindset, self limiting beliefs and can be a great enabler to personal development, mentoring, coaching and growth.

If you suffer from lack of self esteem or you are a quiet, shy person, who would love to be more confident around people, then by daily doses of personal development can change your outlook on life, give you more self confidence, producing a high self esteem and an air of certainty around you. If however, you want to improve your leadership skills, or you wish to project a more confident self image, again, personal development will help you to shine!

Click here for more on this article

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Some Applications for Twitter

Social media is great isn't it! Twitter came on the scene a short time ago and has a huge following ranging from celebrities, entrepreneurs, joe public and more.

It is a great way to get up to the minute news around the globe literally. If you have an interest you will find up to date info on twitter.

There are a number of applications available that can help you market your tweets more effectively.

Twitterfeed - great tool to help feed your blog updates to twitter

TweetDeck - great application that lets you group your tweets and see all the groups at once. For instance you can see your Direct Messages (DM's) in one place as well as all your 'mentions' where you name has been mentioned in a tweet, and if you want to put your tweeple (people on twitter) in groups you can do this also.

SocialOomph - Great application where you can set up your tweets over a 24hour period and they will be sent out automatically for you at the times you preset for them to be tweeted. There are two versions a FREE version and a PAID version, both have great benefits.

- Great tool that can feed news items or blogs or auction ads to your tweets automatically.

TwitPics - A great way to upload your photos from your mobile phone straight to your twitter account.

Twellow - A Twitter Directory of users a bit like the Yellow Pages

For more on Twitter and how to use this to help grow your business - follow this link

Leave your comments if you have found this useful!

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Happy Diwali - Happy New Year

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business

Thinking your Way to Success

Think your way to a fantastic Lifestyle... Before you have a dream you have to think it, for it to become reality. Positive thinking is key to getting what you want, to being self confident, successful, high achiever, 'lucky'. Here's a video I put together on different ways you can think your way to success.
Would love to see your comments below....

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Tips for Relieving Stress

We all go through stress in our personal life, and work life. Stress can manifest itself in different ways. Here are some tips on what you may do to help relieve those stressful moments.

Don't forget to rate this video on You Tube and leave your comments....

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business

Succeeding Where The 95% Don't.

It takes a certain type of individual to be able to remain dedicated and who is able to be persistent enough to succeed in succesfully being able to work for themselves. 95% of all small businesse fail in their first 5 years of starting up, accordingly to most marketing statistics.

So how can you avoid being another statistic? Most business opportunities out there will work, whether they are cost effective enough, or whether the training provided is effective and suitable for the market, the returns on the compensation plan are sufficient, or the products being sustainable or suitable to the target audience is another thing.

So, whatever opportunity you are with right now, are you being consistent with your actions? This has to be key to succeeding. It is the difference between getting leads or not. If you have a business model that uses a web funnel then its the difference between doing enough of the right activity that will aid driving traffic to your website or not enough of the right activity. Most social media marketing opportunities use the lates web 2.0 technology, this seems to be the way forward rather than the traditional MLM's and Network Marketing businesses. Technology and media has changed significantly over the last two to three years, and if you are not using any of the new web 2.0 narketing methods you need to consider this quickly to stay in the game.

Are you giving yourself time to understand what is is your opportunity offers. You need to have a clear understanding of this if you are to be able to successful explain your business to others and to successfully promote or advertise it.

Are you taking the time out to do the training. Most opportunities supply training in one form or another, this could be online forums, hotel meetings, learning modules or recommended reading books.

Again, there are lots of different types of web 2.0 media that you could be using to help drive traffic to your website. You wont be able to do them all at once, so concentrate on three types of adviertising in the first instance. Build your knowledge and expertise around those three methods of advertising before moving on to other methods and medias.

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Your Wish Is My Command

This is a link to my new Squidoo Lens page. It is all about Attraction Marketing, Kharma and using the Universe to get what you want out of LIFE.

Feel free to drop by and send me your thoughts and comments

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business

Monday, 5 October 2009

So You Want To Blog It?

You got something on your mind.
You want to make a statement about it. You want to tell people about it. How? Blog it!

There are so many sites available online which offer you templates where you can set up a blog easily, many of these templates allow you to just plug into and start creating.your blog. For instance 'blogspot' or 'WordPress' are just a couple of websites which offer to allow you to set up FREE blogs.

So how do I present the layout of my blog?

Before you decide to start your blog you may need to think of the following

* The name of your blog - what are you going to call it?
* Content - What type of content will you be adding and does it match really what your blog name is about

The biggest issue about blogging is the time it can take when first setting your blog up. To help make this easier you may wish to look at other blogs which have a similar content to the one you are considering doing and look at possibly adding their content from time to time to your own blog from sites on the internet.

For more details on this article please click here.

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Hot Tips For Your Personal Growth

Watch our for my daily useful tips on how to include Personal Development into your busy lifestyle. Each daily tips lasts less than 1 minute. They key is in the followup and action!

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Tips to help your creativity

These are some handy tips I have gleaned through re-reading The Magic of Thinking Big by David J Schwartz.

Take 10 minutes at the beginning of each day and ask yourself the following: You will need paper and pen to note any thoughts down.
1. How can I do a better job today? – list down all the thoughts that come to mind
2. Ask yourself, what can I do today to encourage my colleagues
3. What special favour can I do for my clients / customers
4. What can I do to improve my personal efficiency today

This is so simple an exercise to do, and it really does help you to focus on the tasks to hand on a daily basis.

In his book David Schwartz talks about having a self improvement plan. What is this you say. Well, by asking the questions above and blitzing out the ideas comes up with a plan that you can effectively put into place during that week, and over time if monitored or reviewed will show practical improvements and results.

Be more receptive to ideas given to you by other colleagues, co-workers, clients. Get rid of the ‘can’t work’ ‘not the way it is done’ attitude. Be more open as to how it can be done, expanding on the thoughts and ideas to create more positive ideas and possibly solutions.

Colette Morris F.R.S.A aka WorkfmhomeDiva
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business


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