I listened to a leadership call today by our founder Jay Kubassek and in it he talked about why only 3% of Business Owners and Internet Marketers succeed. We all come into network marketing with the ultimate goal of making extra money to top up our current take home pay, some of us with the ultimate goal to 'sack the boss', and being able to work for ourselves.

What ever your reason is for being in the online marketing industry, how committed are you to succeeding? Do you even look at your think about your reason why you ever came into business in the first place? If your why or reason is not strong or passionate, and if your not hungry for that success then you are going to be in the 97% of people who just trundle along in their home business, happy to earn a few hundred or thousand dollars on a weekly or monthly basis, always wondering why you are not earning 6 or 7 figure incomes like your upline.
Helping other people first and foremost will push your business to the next level, if you provide a service that is first class, have fun helping others and it does not feel like its a chore, then you are on your way. Motivate, Provide a solution and the money will follow.
Helping others before we help ourselves i.e. not worrying about the month aspect, but more with supporting and motivating your clients so that they reach success is what will ultimately lead to your success.
The difference is putting yourself out to do what it takes and take that leap to stepping up and becoming a leader.
Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Internet Marketing Consultant & Business Coach
If you want to earn a 5 or 6 figure income from home on a monthly basis, find out how with Colette and her Team.
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