Saturday, 5 September 2009

Value of Your Sight

Today I had to visit the Opticians to perform a regular routine eye examination. I had to undergo some extensive tests after the optician had taken my eye pressures and found them to be a little on the high side. One reason for this he mentioned was the possibility of my developing glaucoma at a later stage in my life.

It just made me think about all the things I am currently grateful for by having my sight, and all the things I need to do with my life with sight. Not that a life without sight would stop me from achieving what I set to achieve, I may just have to get there another way, but I will get there.

Having sight is important, so is having a vision. Having a vision does not need sight, having vision is making something you want so real in your mind, you can see it visually, mentally and feel it physically. You can feel the emotions, touch, smells that your vision arouses in you. Imagine if you were without sight how much more those visions would mean to you, how much more driven you would be to achieve.

Whilst life with sight is for most of us a given, for the few it is precious and for the ones who are born totally blind it is a sense that has not been experience, but one that is not lost as the others take over to cover the loss of sight, your mind and imagination takes over to bring you that experience of what it would be like to 'see' the visions you have in your head.

So today I figured, live my life with a vision of a blind person, so that my dreams, my goals are so real and clear in my mind and that I carry them with me every single day as if they were my only way of 'seeing' my future with sight....

To your personal growth and success!

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
My Work From Home business:

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