Sunday, 20 September 2009

Effective Time Management and Working From Home

Here is an excerpt from an article I wrote recently online.

If like me you are a busy mother, full time employee and business woman, chances are you have created a method to your madness. If however, you would like to improve upon your time management skills both in your personal and work life, then I hope the following gives you some ideas to help achieve this.

I can't seem to do anything with out my Personal Diary Assistant. My head is like a seive at times, I found that having an electronic diary works for me. If however, you like the good old fashioned paper based diary, then these tips will work also.

First of all on a day to day basis, begin to block out your time. From the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, mark out what activities you wish to achieve in that time. Include the school run, domestic tasks such as housework or shopping as well as your day job if you have one. Equally important is marking out Family Time. Even though you may have started an online business to generate more income, does not mean your family life has to suffer. Then most of all and importantly you need to include valuable ME time. Time where you can unwind and relax, or tiem for the Gym or other social activities. Once those tasks are down, then look at the available free time you have. It will all become clearer on paper.

If you have a work from home business, then begin my marking out your personal development time, time for training and learning, talk to your sponsor about how much time should be spent on these activities. I suspect in the beginning it will be a lot of time. Let's face it, there will be a lot of reading, researching, planning and activition happening all at frightening speed. It can get overwhelming if you let it.

You can read more of this article at the following link

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business

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