Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Thinking Your Way out of a Negative Situation

Devilish Thoughts That Stop You Succeeding

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you know you reflecting back on the event that you have put yourself in that position through the shear power of your thoughts.

Where instead of having faith in yourself to say things will work out positively instead little doubts creep into your head and you think inwardly to yourself ‘ this won’t work, I know it won’t work’, but projecting the I hope it works thought out too, thus creating areas of conflict and self doubt. Then as the event or activity is completed you find that what ever the task or activity was, just ends up not working, that devilish little voice says ‘I knew it wouldn’t work, I just knew it!’

I had been in this situation many a time, and even now sometimes have nagging thoughts about uncertainties of activities or events. I try my upmost to put them to the back and to remain positive and upbeat about things, but you know that naught little thought will try to enter your head at some point during your day or moment. SO how do you get around those times of self doubt.

Your thoughts have a frequency, and as you know frequency tends to travel. So in perspective your thoughts travel out there in the wider ether, and bounce around coming back to you now and then. These thoughts seem to attract like minded thoughts and you find you are moved towards people who think in a similar way to you, thus collectively if you move in a circle where thoughts are mainly negative, then they will become self fulfilling and thoughts and frequency and energy will emit back to the source namely you!

If you look at some of our top athletes or sports people, they use visualising techniques to achieve success. They already visualise in their heads the whole game or race from the beginning to the end, with them focused to being the best, or a winner. They visualise themselves winning, crossing the line, the feeling, the emotion, the cheer of the crowd, the time / result they wish to achieve. It is already played out in their mind, over and over and over again.

Thus, when playing or taking part in the event, they have already taken part in their mind, in their vision, they have already achieved the end result, so when it is time for the actual event, they already send out thoughts on how it will turn out, they have seen in their minds eye that they have won, achieved the fastest time, highest number of goals or whatever achievement they had in their mind.

Techniques To Remain Positive
Have a vision, a goal. Like the athlete visualise that goal over and over and over, until it is comfortable and sticks in your mind, like an event that has already taken place, so when you are achieving your goal, you have visualised it so strong you feel the results as you begin to achieve them.
Read Positive Attitude Books. There are some great self help books out there to help you to focus and to think more positively:
• The Secret - Rhona Bryne,
• Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude - Napoleon Hill and W Clement Stone
Hang around with positive people. Try to stear clear of negative people and negative thoughts as they will only prey on your mind and push the positivity away from your upmost forefront of your mind.
Listen to Music. You may wish to find a song or piece of music to listen to or play which is uplifting and positive when you have moments of self doubt, negativity or feel down.

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
This is My Work From Home Business

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