Daily Blog thoughts....
How many of us forget our childhood dreams, or dreams we had as young adults in our teenage years, or early twenties? How soon those dreams are forgotten when LIFE gets in the way.
Don't wait for life to pass you by before you begin to dream again. Dream now, take Action NOW and persist ALWAYS, you will get there if these actions are taken persistenly and consitently.
Visualise your dreams daily. Meditate on them if you must.... etch them into your MIND.
Don't forget your dreams, and don't wash them away or brush them aside, keep them in the forefront of your mind.
Make a dream board, take pictures cut out pictures of what you want, put images of what you wish to achieve all onto a dreamboard and hang this in front of where you work or in your living room, kitchen, your bedroom wall. Everywhere you look have a picture of a dream in front of you....
What is my dream? Here is one of them!
Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Top Producer and Mentor
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