Thursday, 6 August 2009

Daily Visualisation, Manifesting your Goals

Everyone has goals and dreams, but not everyone follows them through.
Life gets in the way, throws out untimely events to put you off track. Thats why it is really important to have some ME time on a daily basis. Spend 15 minutes a day first thing in the morning is ideal and possibly last thing at night. Just taking time out to focus on your dreams and goals can set you up for a great focussed day.

Whe you think about your goals or dreams you need to be specific, the more details better. What is the purpose, and what is it that you really want to achieve.
Make your goals SMART.

Specific - Describe to the infinite level of what it is you want to achieve, if you dont get this right you wont achieve the right thing.

Measurable - how will you know you have achieved your goal? map out some markers so you will now you are moving in the right direction

Attatainable - make sure it is realistic and in reach.

Reasonable - you want to ensure it is not too outlandish and unreasonable for you to achieve.

Timely - put a date and time if you can to each goal or dream, this will help you to focus and make this a reality.

Visualise your goal or dream. What day is it?, what time of day? who is around you? what are you doing? what things can you hear and smell around you? visualise it so you can imagine you are already living that dream or goal. Feel as if you are there.

I want you to do something today, get your goals into focus, take action begin to visualise each and every day.... until they become your second reality, have this vision and focus will help you get nearer to the end result, why? because you will be tied to your goal or dream.

I heard this quote today and felt it was so pertinent to many of us:
"All my life I wanted to be someone, I guess I should have been more specific"

Colette Morris
Top Producer and Mentor CCPRO

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