How do you judge someones success? A Lawyer with thier own practice, a top plastic surgeon, or a business owner who has a chain of shops or a business that has a 6 figure turnover. Each person who is deemed on top of his or her career, or steadily climbing up the corporate ladder called success doesn't mean they are not paying a high price for this success.
Let's havea look at that price. Well you get the fantastic house in a nice neighbourhood, thetop ofthe range BMW or other luxury car, kids in private school, luxury holidays, designer clothes maybe.
These are what most of us work or and would like to have, a small few actually do go on to achieve this level of success, but with it come the 70 plus hours a week, little or no home life or no life, stress, relationship break downs, alcohism, health deterioration, high debt rates to keep up the lifestyle. This is the reality that stands behind most successful menand women in the twentyfirst century.
My mother always said never judge a book by its cover. Most highly successful people in Corporate America and everywhere else over the world think of the same thing, ' if only there was a way to create the same level of income but working less hours a week and have fun doing it.
There are ways and means to create the same level of income while working less hours a week, MLM,Network marketing, direct marketing are some of the alternatives. They allow you to create your own home business so you can 'build up' your income level on a part time basis. But, here is the thing, you need to treat your home business as a business. After all this is the vehicle that will get you out of your fulltime blood sucking energy draining job. That is the mistake most home business owners make, they treat their business as a hobby and not seriously as a business.
As with any traditional business you need to be consistant, put 100% into it until it gets of theground. You also need to invest in your business and yourself. You may need to learn new skills, so you need to take the time out to do so. When you work for an employer you keep your skills up to date by going on relevant courses. This is no different when you are a business owner.
The sad statistic for having a successful home business is that only 3% are actually succesful. Statistics also tell us that small business owners make up a huge portion of the economy as more and more people want to become in charge of their income / destiny and not rely on an employer. Let's face it job stability is not as prevalent as it was even 10 years ago.
Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump have been quoted to say that if they had to build a business over it would be in network marketing
For these influential people to put qudos on network marketing there must be something in this. Is it time for you to look at the price you are paying for your success? How much more detrimental sacrifices can you make to keep being on top?
Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer
Match and exceed your current income working less time, with less stress and have fun