Sunday, 24 March 2013

How To Avoid Roadblocks In Your Business

When you are bombarded with information, it not only confuses you, but drive you to the point where you tend not to do anything constructive at all. Bit like a traffic jam, things will start to back up in your business.

This can be to the detriment of your home business.  If you don't feel motivated, and you don't do anything constructive your business will suffer.

Here are some really quick and dirty tips to get you through those roadblocks.

1. Have an early night - It's no point working if you feel tired.  Sometimes it is best to just chill out, relax and come back another time when your mind has had downtime, and is fresh.  Most of the time if we have a problem, we solve this in our sleep.

2. Draw up a plan of daily action.  I normally do this the day before, so that I am more focussed, and can just start right on it the next day.  So, if you don't get something done one day, then just put it over for the next.  The crazy thing most people do is to put too much on their list and get frustrated that they never seem to get to the end of it.

3. DO things in small bite sized chunks.  Remember focus on the money making activities first, i.e. follow ups with prospects, online ads,  follow through new team members, or team webinars, then email to your list, before checking your emails, facebook, twitter or other social media.

4. Take notes when you train.  These are useful because you then have a book of subjects and ideas that you can take forward.  You should technically never run out of ideas.  With learning and applying your new found skills you can generate other ideas and develop your skills further. USe these as a learning vehicle and help others apply those skills through teaching, blogging, video.

5. Look back at past posts, can you 'freshen them up' add to them?  SOmetimes as you learn more, you can look back at previous posts and update them with the new found knowledge that you have learned.  You can even refer back to the original post so that users can see how you, yourself have improved and are still providing value to help them solve their issues.

6. Throw it out there!  SOmetimes the best thing to do if you are really stuck is to through out a lifeline to your social media colleagues.  Ask for suggestions or help.  You will be suprised as to what comes back.

SO there you have it, some useful tips to get you over your roadblocks.  If you found this useful, let me know and leave a comment below :) 

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Friday, 15 March 2013

The Independent: RIP Google Reader, ignored by many, loved by few

 As sad day indeed!

Google reader to go...  If you have used the service you can see why in some respects it is being made redundant. 

Who really has time to go back in an read information collected from lots of sites.  These days we are more reading on the go, with smartphones handy and tablet devices, you are able to read what you want on the go, and not having to wait until you get home to log on to your google reader account. 

Google announced Wednesday that Reader’s closing. Which means your RSS followers won’t see your posts anymore.
Email to the rescue! 
Here is a great tip I found from Aweber - 

What’s Email Got To Do With It?

Well, your soon-to-be-ex-Reader followers have 3 options:
1. Stop reading your posts altogether (that would suck).
2. Visit your site whenever they think of it (if they think of it).
3. Subscribe to your emails. Readers who would have dropped off entirely could now see you directly in their inboxes. 

(Your readers can also migrate their feeds to Feedly or Flipboard for iPad. This would keep you in contact, but like we always say, “Email over RSS” – an email’s less likely to be missed.)

More on this can be found here....

RIP Google Reader, ignored by many, loved by few

The service is being shut down, with Google giving users just over three months to set up their RSS feeds elsewhere If you have a Google account, and ...

Shared via Google Currents

So what is your take on this? Leave me your comments below

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