Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Recession, What Recession? Traditional Business Owners Thinking Smarter

The economy is in a bad way globally.  The 'recession' has been happening for the past 18 months now and there are no signs of a let up.

The housing market slump has still not climbed out of the downfall hit by defaults on mortgages.  The economy is many countries are suffering the effects of borrowing more money than is available within the existing economy for the government to repay hence tax payers taking the brunt of things.

Countries going broke due to the debt they are in such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland, having to be bailed out by the rest of the european community.
The cost of living has risen in hidden ways, pay cuts, raise in income tax, reduction in benefits, petrol and food raises.

But, there is a community of entrepreneurs who do not seem to be suffering too much with the recession because their online business opportunitites are making them money.  How?
Many more people who are being hit by the recession as described above are looking for other ways to substitute their income, and more and more and turning to online business opportunities.  Joining a Home Business opportunity has never been more exciting.  However, joining the right business opportunity can be a nightmare to navigate around the many 'scams'that there are online.  How do you know you have a great business opportunity?

I have written an article on things to look for in a home business which has been published online and earned me 'expert author' status.  Click here for more details

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Internet Marketing Strategist & Business Coach

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