Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Photoshop - Essential Tools For Blogs and Websites

If you are like me and are not too IT literate, but are a home business owner or photographer and want to improve the quality of your blog or website using photoshop, then I have found a course that has been really good at explaining how to use it to get the best out of it.
They have online video tutorials which are very easy to understand and it is very inexpensive as costs go, it is only $29.75 so well worth the money to invest.
Click on this link for more details.

Let me know how you get on.

To your Success

Colette Morris aka workfmhomeDiva

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Job Post:

I am looking for 3 serious people to make money online this month. I can only work with 3 so first come first served... if you know anyone RT

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Attitude is Important..

Attitude is key to your success, and in truth it is also key to your failures.  We must learn to learn from our failures, whether they are in our home business or our personal lives,  have a positive outcome from these at times when it can be hard to find a positive outcome from a negative situation, but look deep, it will be there. 
Attitude is the difference between having a will to live, and giving up on life.  SO many give up on their dreams and their lives without really fighting.  Having the right attitude helps the fighter in you, gives you the courage and determination to keep going, when others around you may have given up.  

Self development helps to give you the right attitude, and it is important to keep learning and growing each day. Plug into an area of positiveness, arm yourself against the negative or wrong attitude types. Build up your internal armour of self gratitude and positive attitude and you will go far...

Something I came across on the internet and wanted to share with you all which really sums up this post...

Quote ~Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think, say or do. It is more important than appearance, gift, or skill. It will make or break a company...a church...a home.
   The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day...I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.
       - Charles Swindoll ~ Unquote

Whats your perspecive on attitude? Leave me a comment below

Yours in success

Colette Morris

Saturday, 24 July 2010

FREE Authority Codes Report by Ryan Deiss go get it NOW <== FREE PDF

Friday, 23 July 2010

OK, I am looking to help another 3 people get their online business off the ground... visit my site and fill out the application form if you are serious and interested
Cme join me for a cup of coffee on Facebook
it's not about selling your company products....Its about you, you are your most important asset
Before I forget - A micro blog note:
Master Marketing Training especially for those MLM or Home Business owners struggling in their business right now. Each and every Monday 9pm Easter. Click on the link for more details and how to register... It's online so no need to leave your home, and it's FREE.. book early as there are only 1000 dedicated lines.

To your ongoing success
Colette Morris aka workfmhomeDiva
Personal Branding is a hot topic right now,find out more from my video rate and leave me a comment :) heck subscribe too if u want:)

It's all About You

Just a quick micro blog here, I have just released a new video on you tube, it is all about personal branding and how important it is for you and your business.
Please hop on over and have a look, let me know what you think. Don't forget to rate my video and subscribe to my channel, it all helps :)

Colette aka workfmhomeDiva
We all are here for a reason, some want to find out, others just don't care or want to know. I want to make a difference!

You don't have to be a Guru to Build a List

List Building is the life blood of any business.  Every person who clicks on your website is a potential customer so, you want to be able to capture their details so that you can promote further services or products to them at a later date. When you spend the hard earned 'spondooleys' drive traffic to your website you are increasing your lead generation.  Having a good autoresponder service is key to improving the conversion rate of those leads.   Personally I user Aweber, and it is a service that the majority of succesful online marketers use. 

If you have a company website, more than likely it will have an aweber autoresponder list builder behind it.  But this is a company website.  If you should leave the company all the hard earned leads you have built up will be lost.  They will end up with the company you left.  Just think how much money you spent generating those leads for them to not really be under your control.

With Aweber you can create a newsletter and send that out to your email list when you like. You can create more than one type of email list, you can direct these from your blog, your website (s), or even to affiliate links.

You can also create capture forms (used for email sign ups), and more importantly you can also track who opened your emails or not.

If you are serious about making a full time income online, you need two things in my opionion
                          a) your own website
                          b) your own mailing list client

If you haven't already got a seperate mailing list client, then I suggest you look around for one now. Aweber is one of the more well known ones, but there is also icontact which has been getting some good reviews also.

 If you want to earn a 5 figure income from home on a monthly basis, find out how with Colette and her Team.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

STOP PRESS!!! WorkfmhomeDiva Causes Twitter Frenzy

Want to know more about why Twitterland is in a Frenzy, read be
PRLog (Press Release)Jul 19, 2010 – Twitterland is buzzing right now with the fact that the WorkfmhomeDiva or Colette Morris as she is known has reached over 6,500 followers during her short time on twitter.

Twitter if you have not heard of twitter, it is a micro blogging site which allows users to submit text of up to 140 characters to each other and this goes out to everyone who follows them simultaneously.

More on this Press Release can be found here

Saturday, 17 July 2010

What Colour Personality Are You...

 Our personalities can be divided into colours.  Each colour has particular traits, and it is important for you to understand these traits. Not only will it help you to psychologically understand the person better, but it will aid how you interact with them also. Watch this video which explains more about this... 

You can hop over to my other blog to find out more

To your Success!

Colette Morris

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Colette Morris Takes Part in World Record Breaking Event

Sunday 4th July, Roundwood Park North West London saw a gathering of local people who were all set on taking part in a world record that day.
PRLog (Press Release)Jul 08, 2010 – Sunday 4th July, Roundwood Park North West London saw a gathering of local people who were all set on taking part in a world record that day.

There was a ‘buzz’ of electricity and excitement in the air as over 400 people converged at 7pm tp attempt this fete. They were attempting to have the most amount of dancers participating in the Electric Slide which was a dance move founded in the1980’s. For those note familiar with that dance it is a bit like line dancing.

More from this press release can be found here:

Monday, 5 July 2010

Why Choose CarbonCopyPro

 Since I partnered up with CarbonCopyPro I have been asked the following questions: 
Who is behind CarbonCopyPro, What is CarbonCopyPro and is CarbonCopyPro a scam. 
Watch my video answers to the above here.  If you then want to find out more or attend one of our Business Overview calls log into my site and I will make sure I shoot you off an email with the link. 

Colette Morris F.R.S.A Internet Marketing Consultant & Business Coach
If you are ready to walk out on the rat race but need to find  a replacement for that income first, find out how with Colette and her Team.

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Are You Making Money Online? Have You The Right Marketing System in Place

 Many home business owners go into MLM or Network Marketing without much though about having a 'system' which will help them achieve their business goals. 

The secret, to having a regular ongoing volume of sign ups, which really is not a secret, is having the know how and ability to drive targeted traffic to your website and let the 'system' do the rest of the work for you.
Having a good 'system' is so important, because you need a system in place to help market the program you are involved with. So, how do you know which system to choose?

More on this article can be found here

Colette Morris Internet Marketing Consultant & Business Coach

Sick and tired of those tiny  Paychecks? Want to improve your lead generation? Click on the link and get your FREE Report which will show you how you too can generate leads and a 6 figure income from home and why MLM is all but dead using the current marketing methods


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