Sunday, 6 December 2009

Knowing A Great Opportunity

Some people go through life missing out on a host of 'great opportunities', why? Because they are oblivious to the fact of when the opportunity has presented itself. I was such a person many, many years ago. A young woman going through life, excited and full of energy of what life had to offer. Wanting to experience most things but without thought, clarity or purpose to it. I was just going through the motions, like most people. Working a 9 - 5,(in reality more 9 - 8 most days!), paying my mortgage, bills and car payments. You see, I wanted to have a certain standard of life, which to me meant more money, therefore I had to find a way to climb the career ladder to get more money, and when I had more money I spent more money.

Now along the way, many opportunities presented themselves to me, but I didn't see them at the time. I was not looking out for them. Not until I had missed one or two crucial opportunities and these were pretty big ones, did I look back at my short working life to see if there were any more that I had missed, and sure enough there were plenty. At this point, I had begun my road of 'self development' starting out with Dale Carnegie - 'How to Win Friends and Influence People', before progressing on to other authors and books which helped to change my attitude mentally, changed my outlook and philosophy on life totally, that only then did opportunties them started to present themselves to me.

The important thing is to recognise when you are being presented with an opportunity. Sometimes it is pretty obvious when one is presented, sometimes not so obvious. What I recognised for me was that sometimes in the face of adversity, great opportunities arose, because I was actively seeking them!

Now, most people myself included, when you are in the midst of adversity, sometimes you get overwhelmed and cannot see the 'woods for the trees', and tend to 'pity' yourself. But, if you look to those moments and look past the situation, you may see a great opportunity present itself to you. You see, it is about remaining positive and focussed, yes there are times we do come up against tight situations and challenges, but working through the solutions can manifest opportunities that would never have presented themselves otherwise.

Sometimes, opportunities arise as if out of 'thin air'. You have to be ready for those. You need to act quickly in some cases as it may be a limited opportunity and to get the most out of it, you need to make quick decisions and act. I have been in a few of those situations too, sometimes I am able to act, most times not.

Life is a funny old game to play, and it is also very short. Opportunties great and small exist around us every day, we have just got to start looking for them, and where possible act on them, the rewards are priceless.

Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Expert Author and Top Producer

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