The age old problem for newbies or even well established internet marketers, is how do you turn a lead into a sale?
If you have never 'sold' or talked someone into 'buying' a product or service before, this can be scary, unnerving and could lower your confidence and self esteem. Most online marketing companies do offer mentoring and a coach to help you through your first few sales, normally by doing three way calls with you and your potential client.
There are a number of ways you can do the follow ups, through phone calls, emails, skype is also an option, it is up to you to choose which medium is comfortable to you, but a good mix of all three can help.
The secret is indeed in the follow up. When a prospect lands on your website, how are you following them up? Can you tell which ones are just curious and which ones are serious?
I have spent so much time following up people who were not really interested but were just curious and due to my inexperience when I first joined the online marketing world I found it difficult at first to turn these people round into a 'sale'.
I started out with developing a script I was comfortable with to use when making follow up calls, and in time I adapted and made this more freestyle for my own purposes. This helped me to push my sign-up rate to 4 in 10 people rather than the original 1 in 15 when I first started out.
Building a rapport with your prospects is important. Getting to know and understand them and their current situation will help you identify how best you can 'serve' them and meet their needs through the products or services you have. People will often not buy from 'strangers' or people they feel they cannot trust, so building up this trust is important.
Colette Morris
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About the Author: Colette Morris is an established internet marketer and is currently working with some of the top Internet Entreprenuers to build her current online business.
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