If you have never worked from home before, then getting organised can be one of the biggest headaches to setting up your home business. It took months of trial and error for me to finally come up with a suitable way of getting myself organised.
I hope the following helps you with gaining some idea of things to think about when you begin to set up your work from home business.
Checklist of Stationery Items and Essentials to help you get organised:
* Prepare your business objectives and goals
* Identify your training needs and plan out a daily training strategy to build your business knowledge up quickly and clearly.
* Note Pad -
1. To keep training notes in (these could be training provided by your company, or training you come across on the web).
2. useful to make short notes when talking to clients over the telephone or in person
3. To write down your daily 'to do' List
* Box File - to keep receipts, invoices,etc for home business
* Diary - preferably page to view to help with appointments
* Your Own set of Pens, Pencils, hole punch and stapler (keep out of sight as the kids tend to come and 'borrow them', and they tend to dissappear once borrowed!
* Set up your Answer Machine Message (I found it useful to write myself a script so that I dont fluff it up when recording on the phone...)
* A handy folder or file with your scripts and any other business material you will need to refer to while on the phone... e.g price list, product list, etc..
* If you can afford this - your own Computer - an essential must for any home business.... I found it impossible to share or compete with my kids when they had homework and needed the use of the computer to complete their assignment...
* A book of First Class and 2nd Class Stamps (always handy)
* Envelopes ( think about what size is preferable for your business, and what you would be using the envelope for).
* Spare cartridge ink for the printer - nothing more annoying that finding our when you go to print your leaflets, that your kids have used all the colour up doing their homework assignments for school!
* Organising a seperate phone line for your home business, (I use my skype number as my business contact number, saves on costly line rentals for a seperate line, also you can divert Skype messages if you are not online)
* do you need fax facilities? There are free online fax numbers which email you when a fax is received, however, you would have to pay for the service if you want to send a fax from your PC... Click here for info
*Set up business email addresses seperate from your personal address. It is useful to keep the business email the same name as your website if you have one.
* Order Business cards online a really good site which I use is www.Vistaprint.com, but if you google 'free business cards' I am sure other good sites will come up.
See how I am helping others to set up their own home business Click Here http://www.bewealthywithme.com
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そちらの会社は産業用としては日本で最大出力のピコ秒レーザを製品化したということが書か […]
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