Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Keeping your Health and Wellbeing while Homeworking

Working from home can sometimes isolate us. We need to ensure we are not compromising our health and wellbeing.

Do you have an exercise routine to break up your day? Exercise has been proven to not only provide excellent stress relief, but also can invigorate your body and mind, and increase blood circulation, hence giving you more ideas!

Put more exercise in your daily home working routing, try it.....

Colette Morris, F.R.S.A S.A.C Dipl (Diet and Nutrition)
If you have 30lbs or more to lose contact me for info

My home Biz
My retail store:

Health and Wellbeing while homeworking

Colette Morris

My home Biz
My retail store:

Sunday, 1 February 2009

How I Earn $5k a week

Learnt quite a few useful new ways to advertise my online business during the last week, through the online web course Big Ticket has in their back end. I put into practice what I had learnt through how to use facebook and have already received loads of free leads into my business.

If you want to know how I did it, get in touch and I will be pleased to share.

Colette Morris

My home Biz
My retail store:


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