Why would I join another network marketing company?
This is a questionI have been asked by prospects and other network marketers looking to join my primary company.

My answer is always the same.
When you join one network marketing company, it’s pretty much like putting all your eggs into one basket.
To build your income on one area is not only fool hardy, but what if for anyreason the company behind the products or services go belly up? Where are you and your income then?
So, yes, it is best to look at having more than one area of income. Joining a second marketing company is a way to ensure you have a steady income especially if you are a full time worker.
However, you don’t want to be hopping around to different companies and not making a dime. So how do you get the balance right?
More on this post by clicking the link below :)
Should I join more than one network marketing company?
Colette Morris F.R.S.A
Internet Marketing Strategist & Business Coach