Thursday, 30 July 2009

Postcard Marketing

Post card marketing is one of the simplest and easiest way to promoting a business whether online or off line. Many small businesses and even larger firms combine print advertising with online marketing to get the best results.

It’s cheaper than other print ad methods. Compared to other direct mail marketing and print ad methods, post card advertising is more cost-effective. You can even start with smaller-sized postcards to minimize your costs even more. It is easy and simple to design your own postcards and you can even print them on your own to cut back on the printing costs. You can either choose to deliver these by post, or to hand deliver them through letter boxes to save even more money.

Why Postcards: Have you noticed that Business letters from marketers often don’t get read. Why? I get so many of these and I don’t have time to read them, often people don’t even bother to open the envelopes. It is too bothersome for many people to sit and read a business letter, especially from an advertiser. Most people just throw out these mails. However, when most people get a post card they immediately tend to read it. Post cards definitely gives you the advantage to grab your customers attention and provoke their interest immediately.
Tracking Postcards: It is very important to track your postcards. You may have to try several different types and wording to see which gives you the best response. One way of doing this is by using the postcards as discount coupons where they can obtain a discount from you online. For each ad copy you use, use a different coupon code so you can track your results. Based on your sales with discounts, you can tell right away whether or not your postcard advertising campaign is successful.

Find out how more web 2.0 strategies could help grow your business online

Friday, 17 July 2009

Join The Party

So many of us today want to socialise and have fun while earning a living. There are not too many jobs out there to allow us to earn some serious money, have fun with the people you work with and allow you to be able to spend quality time with your family and loved ones.

It has taken me 8 years to find a home based business which is internet based, and allows me to dream realistically of my financial freedom, that allows me to plan for my early retirement before the age of 50, that allows me to mix with likeminded interesting people, and that is helping me make a serious fortune and not just earning a living....

Yes, I have been involved with two MLM companies now, Amyway around 20 years ago and Herbalife 5 years ago. They are both legitamate home business, and if you work at them you can become successful, but sometimes to your detriment.

Everyone is different, and each to their own they say. I would advise people who are searching for the elusive work from home business to check this out first

Finally, take the plunge and Join the PARTY!

My home Biz
My retail store:


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