Monday, 30 March 2009

Great feel good presentation for personal inspiration

This is a great presentation to help motivate and inspire you escpecially if you are not hitting your goals....

Click Here

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Try this Retail Store for products that could help you expand your knowledge on retailing online, or mentoring programmes to help explode your current business:

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Tip for the day

When working from home, it is important tht the rest of the family also acknowledge that you are working and not there for their leisure.

Set some boundaries first off with family and friends. Set out your working hours during the day, and make this be known that you are not to be distrubed during these working hours, unelss it is an emergency.

Once you establish a working hours pattern, your friends and family will begin to respect that. Encourage your friends and family to 'book appointments' with you for Lunch or otherwise. That way, you will have built in your work schedule to accomodate this.

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Online ebook and software store for business courses:

Thursday, 19 March 2009

The Pearl Story By John Giagkiozis

I’m going to tell you the story of one of the most precious items on earth, and how this story can benefit you!

It all starts in a shell a tiny little shell that strives for survival, but how can a living thing survive when it doesn’t move in its life span? And to add to that, produce something that precious like a pearl? The only function a shell does is to open up and to close up again and again and again till the end of its days.

You see the secret is that it feeds with plankton, every time the shell opens up some amount of food will get inside and once that happens the only thing the shell has to do is to close up. Once it digests its food the shells rinsings remain inside. This cycle repeats itself over and over again till the rinsings accumulate and form the pearl as we know it. One day a fisherman finds the shell and when he opens it up screams with joy, for what he has found has changed his life.

How can this story benefit you? STOP reading this article for a minute and think about it!

It’s very simple, if you wait enough everything will come to you, Patience is a great virtue. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not telling you to sit all day on your couch doing nothing and wait for money and fortune to pour on you.

If you work on yourself, your personality and skills, good things will start happening. You will be considered to be a “pearl”, what can that possibly mean? Everyone that gets the chance to meet you talk to you or interact with you in any way, will feel very fortunate. The “Demand” for You will rise and so will your “Prize” do. Actually you will become the “Prize”; you will become a giant magnet of success and fortune.

Friedrich Nietchzche once wrote ‘man is like the tree, the higher it stretches up, up to the light, its root get deeper towards the darkness’ it’s a good quote to bear in mind while you walk down the path of fortune.

Your Friend,

John Giagkiozis

John Giagkiozis Publishes Self Improvement Tips, he is dedicated helping people like You! If you’re looking for the Home Business Opportunity that will make your Dreams Come True, information and helpful support from an honest friend in the business, come by and subscribe for FREE at: The Life all Deserve, An Opportunity and a Challenge Feel free to reach me at:

Thought for the day!

We've removed the ceiling above our dreams. There are no more impossible dreams.
Jesse Jackson

And so said, look what President Barack Obama achieved....

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Boost your income - Online Presentation Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Take 3 Simple Steps To See Our Life Changing Live Web Presentation...
Hear undeniable proof that what you will see is the Internet's most significant home business opportunity.
Ask company CEO Gerald Van Yerxa your burning questions - as a bonus for watching ...we will give you over $1,000 in travel! Click here to see the travel you can choose from)
All you have to do is (1) claim a FREE web site by visiting the Big Ticket web site of the person who invited you here, and (2) watch ths LIVE presentaton & record the promo code!

Opportunity Presentation Times:
Monday - Tuesday - Thursday

6pm PST / 7pm MTN / 8pm CST / 9pm EST / 2am GMT

Click Here for LIVE Webinar presentation

If you are unable to attend online at the above times, then click here for a recorded Webinar Presentation

You were invited by Colette Morris

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Can You Socialise While Working From Home

I guess many of us who work from home find it a lonely task at times. There are not office chats, ‘bouncing ideas from colleagues over the desk, no truly instantaneous interactions as you would get in an office environment. So why does working from home appeal to many?

It is not as easy as some people think to be able to work from home. This takes a certain type of person. One who can organise themselves efficiently, one who can focus on tasks at hand and not get distracted by the doorbell, family or friends coming over to a chat, or being the person who does all the running around for the rest of the family, just because ‘Joe works from home!’. Anyone out there relate?

There are times when you just got to put your foot down. (No, not down someones mouth, just put your foot down, be firm). Working from home, means exactly that…. Working from home.

There are networks that you can join to help with the socialising aspect of working from home, locally business organisations such as the local chamber of commerce, BNI groups, Rotary Clubs and the like. Many people who join such organisations have one thing in comment, they all work from home or have their own business whether working from home, or having branched out to a small office or shop.

But its not all about business when it comes to socialising. What do you do for your birthday or xmas parties? Its hardly the same planning a xmas party for yourself now is it? But why not plan a party for your customers who have been loyal to you throughout the year. Just a select gathering will do. It is nice to see the faces behind the names, and socialise and get to know them on a more personal level, this is a brilliant way to do this. Remember you need to check your budget and to book them in early, as they are bound to have other Christmas parties to go to.

If there are any other ways out there to ‘socialise’ when you are faced with a working from home situation, please feel free to share.

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Health and Wellness site: Your Wellbeing

Sunday, 8 March 2009

60 Minute Money Business Review

The 60 Minute Money Programme
by C Broomfield

60 Minute Money founded by Russell Gain. This progamme is a complete turnkey system, where anyone can create their own international home business by simply following the progamme consistently.

The system is fully automated allowing part time participation, it is workable from any location, and it is affordable, so accessible to all. This program has been effective in most of the 65 countries where the business is able to operate and uses saleable consumer goods that people want and use each month, it does not involve selling useless information. What you will receive is a complete 'home business in a box,' you do not need any special skills or talent to succeed, all tools and methods are provided and explained fully.

As part of the program you will get access to a retail website where you can retail your consumable products, to a training website where you will receive daily live training calls, and also to a recruiting website to help monitor and support your new recruits.

With this system comes two bonuses

- how to get the government to subsidise your home business by an extra $5000 each year

- free fax number, all your faxes will be emailed to you free of charge!

There is a 12 month money back guarantee for the CD Information pack with this system and if you do not make $12,000 or more within a year then they will refund double the difference. You get to keep the bonuses even if you get a refund.

Colette is a Internet Strategist and is currently working with some of the top income earners in internet marketing. See how Colette is helping others to set up their own home business Don't reprint this article. Instead, reprint a free unique content version of this same article.


Great article to help cope with stressful changes in your personal or work life.

Sex and Women in Business

I was sent this interesting article on Twitter and wanted to share. Its especially tailored for all of us women entrepreneurs out there.... sex and business need I say more!

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Home Business courses and aids :

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

9 Benefits of Twitter to help grow your blog

I found this link online recently, am going through the benefits of using twitter online to aid the growth of my blog. Follow me on Twitter at

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